This is Eric's inspirational story of his fall into the dark, gripping, self-imprisonment of addiction, the isolation of alcoholism, and his rise into the freedom of recovery. He foolishly tried to escape one addiction by using another and found himself in a much worse predicament. The situation was grave, and he was close to death. Eric risked losing everything, his health, family, and friends, to be high and drunk. Until he was so desperate and humbled, he surrendered and accepted his disease, asked for help, and chose life, or did it choose him? He had to let go of his past and embrace his future. He battled his addictive demons and faced his fear of living without alcohol and drugs. Eric drank for so long it became his only coping mechanism and the disease had convinced him there was no other way. He hurt many of his loved ones on his path of self-destruction and needed to make amends. Could he be honest with himself and others, could he be forgiven? Could he forgive himself? He had to learn how to live sober. This is Eric's intriguing journey of despair and hope. His experience with life, death, and his search for the meaning of spirituality and lasting recovery.