Exactly How It's Supposed To Be

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Maddie has never been afraid to take control of her own destiny. In her twenties, it was easy to quit her job when she became disgruntled by her first career in the business world. She knew she wanted something different for her life, so she single-handedly built a career she loves. Now, at thirty, Maddie is a successful food blogger, but there's still something missing, an undeniable void she can't ignore.

She always thought love would happen when the time was right, like it does in the movies. Until now, she's left it up to chance, but watching her best friend, Sarah, start a family has made Maddie impatient. Restless and lonely, she begins online dating as an attempt to, once again, take her future into her own hands.

Then, when she least expects it, Maddie finally meets him. Her person. The one she's been waiting for all this time. But when she finds herself standing in the face of tragedy like she's never known, she realizes her life, her love story, will be anything but a fairytale.

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